Oct 10, 2023
[Runyi Yang](<https://runyiyang.github.io/>) / [Runyi’s Blogs](<https://runyiyang.notion.site/Runyi-s-Blogs-f52d6bf73e104c51a4f5e80529b6a9b6>)
At work, sometimes multiple git accounts are used on the same computer, such as company GitLab account with personal GitHub account.
How to use GitLab and GitHub, switch to the corresponding account, and no passcode? In this case, we need to use ssh (git can choose to use https and ssh for communication, but when using https, you need to enter the account and password each time fetch and push code).
Take personal GitHub account and company GitLab account as a case, the following demonstrates how. It is successfully tested on MacOS M2 Max devices, tested on the Imperial GitLab and general GitLab pages.
First, you'll need to create separate SSH keys for both accounts.
# For GitHub
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github
# For GitLab
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitlab
# For Imperial
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_ic
For each key:
and paste it there.~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitlab.pub
and paste it there.Edit (or create) the SSH config file:
$ vim ~/.ssh/config
Add the following:
# GitHub Account
Host github.com
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github
# GitLab Account
Host gitlab.com
HostName gitlab.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitlab
# (Options) For Imperial Account
Host imperial
User {Username}
Hostname gitlab.doc.ic.ac.uk
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_ic
This configuration tells SSH which key to use for which domain.